KDP delegation led by Pshtiwan Sadiq visited the Communist Party of Kurdistan in Erbil on Saturday, Oct 29, 2022. Photo: Yousif Fars Ismael/ Zoom News
ZOOM NEWS, Sulaimani – A delegation of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) led by Pshtiwan Sadiq, a KDP’s Politburo member, visited political parties in Erbil on Saturday.
The visit comes after the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) expressed concerns about the Kurdistan Region’s governance last week. Some party ministers, including Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, did not attend the weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers due to concerns they had about the Prime Minister.
However, the PUK’s concern about the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) remains unclear.
“No disputes exist between us and the PUK and everything will be resolved through dialogue,” said Sadiq, responding to an inquiry from Zoom News reporter Ayub Warty.
Sources in the Political Bureau of the PUK told Zoom News three ministers attended last week’s Council of Ministers meeting in spite of the decision not to attend.
While the PUK decision was contested, three of its ministers attended the meeting: KRG Minister for Youth and Culture Mohammed Saeed Ali, KRG Planning Minister Dara Rashid, and KRG Council of Ministers secretary Amanj Rahim.
The attendance of the three ministers comes at a time when the official media of the PUK initially reported that Talabani and the PUK ministerial team would not attend the meeting of the Council of Ministers due to “concerns” about the prime minister. After a few minutes, the official PUK media removed the story.